
THE RESISTANCE – Secret Roles Card Game

“The Resistance – Secret Roles Card Game” is a thrilling and strategic game where players must work together to accomplish missions. However, hidden among the players are spies who seek to sabotage the missions. The objective of the game is for the Resistance fighters to succeed in three missions or for the spies to thwart their efforts. With different roles and hidden identities, players must carefully strategize, forming squads and voting on missions to determine their success. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the game, including setup, gameplay, and variations, making it a valuable resource for players looking to delve into the world of secret roles and tactical gameplay.

THE RESISTANCE - Secret Roles Card Game

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Title: THE RESISTANCE – Secret Roles Card Game

THE RESISTANCE – Secret Roles Card Game

Overview of The Resistance

The Resistance is a secret roles card game designed to test players’ deduction and deception skills. In this game, players are either members of the Resistance or Spies, with each team having a different objective. The Resistance must successfully complete three missions, while the Spies aim to sabotage the missions. It is a game of hidden identities and manipulation, where players must work together to achieve their goals or outwit their opponents.

Objective of The Resistance

The objective of The Resistance is for the players to work together to either ensure the success of three missions or to sabotage the missions. Each team has a different goal, and it is up to the players to fulfill their respective objectives.

Number of Players

The Resistance can be played with 5 to 10 players. The game is designed to accommodate a medium-sized group, making it suitable for small parties or game nights with friends.


To play The Resistance, players will need the following materials:

  • 11 Identity cards
  • 5 cards Escouade
  • 20 Voting cards (10 Yes and 10 No cards)
  • 10 Mission Cards (5 Fail and 5 Pass)
  • 6 score tokens (3 blue and 3 red)
  • 1 progression token (black)

Type of Game

The Resistance is a hidden roles card game that involves deception, deduction, and strategic decision-making. Players must navigate through a web of hidden identities and gather information to determine who is on their team and who may be working against them. The game requires communication and cooperation, as well as careful analysis of voting patterns and mission outcomes.


The Resistance is suitable for teenagers and adults who enjoy strategy and social deduction games. The game’s hidden roles and negotiation mechanics make it engaging and challenging for players who enjoy analyzing social dynamics and making calculated decisions.

THE RESISTANCE - Secret Roles Card Game

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Distribution of roles

The setup of The Resistance depends on the number of players. The roles are distributed as follows:

  • 5 players: 3 Resistance fighters, 2 Spies
  • 6 players: 4 Resistance fighters, 2 Spies
  • 7 players: 4 Resistance fighters, 3 Spies
  • 8 players: 5 Resistance fighters, 3 Spies
  • 9 players: 6 Resistance fighters, 3 Spies
  • 10 players: 6 Resistance fighters, 4 Spies

Each player receives one Role card, which indicates if they are a Spy (red card symbolized by an eye) or a Resistance fighter (blue card symbolized by a closed fist). The leader is determined at random and will manage the game, but may lose their role if the other players vote against their Squad proposals.

Spy recognition

Before the game begins, the Leader must make the Spies recognize each other. This is done by following these instructions:

  1. All players close their eyes.
  2. The Spies open their eyes and look at each other to recognize themselves.
  3. The Spies close their eyes.
  4. All players open their eyes.


Squad Phase

Each round of The Resistance consists of two phases: the Squad Phase and the Mission Phase. In the Squad Phase, the Leader forms a Squad of players who will go on the mission. The size of the Squad depends on the number of players and the current turn. Once the Squad is formed, all players vote to authorize or reject the mission.

If the majority or half of the votes are in favor of the mission, the Squad is approved and proceeds to the Mission Phase. If the Squad is rejected, the player to the left of the Leader becomes the new Leader, and the Squad Phase is restarted. If five Squads are rejected in a row during the same turn, the Spies instantly win the game.

Mission Phase

In the Mission Phase, each member of the Squad must decide whether to sabotage or support the mission. The Leader distributes Mission Successful and Mission Failed cards to each member of the Squad, and players secretly choose one card to play. If any Mission Failed cards are played, the mission fails. If all cards played are Mission Successful, the mission succeeds.

The outcome of the mission determines whether the Resistance or the Spies gain a point. The game continues until one team reaches three points.

THE RESISTANCE - Secret Roles Card Game

End of Game

The game ends when either the Resistance or the Spies reach three points. If the Resistance completes three successful missions, they win. If the Spies succeed in sabotaging three missions, they win. The game can also end instantly if the Spies win five consecutive votes to reject the Squad during the same turn.


The Resistance is designed to provide a challenging and immersive experience for players. It requires careful observation, deduction, and strategic decision-making. Players need to analyze voting patterns, mission outcomes, and the behavior of other players to gather information and make informed choices.

THE RESISTANCE - Secret Roles Card Game


Targeted Attacks

In the Targeted Attacks variation, the Leader can choose which Mission is completed instead of following the suggested order. This affects the number of Squad members required for each mission. However, each mission can only be completed once, even if it fails. The fifth mission can only be completed after two other successful missions.

Isolated spies

In the Isolated Spies variation, the Spies do not recognize each other at the beginning of the game. This makes it harder for the Spies to coordinate and execute their sabotage, adding an extra layer of challenge for both the Resistance and the Spies.


The Resistance is a thrilling secret roles card game that offers an immersive experience for players. With its hidden identities and social deduction mechanics, the game provides a challenging and strategic gameplay experience. Whether you’re a member of the Resistance or a Spy, The Resistance is sure to test your ability to deceive, strategize, and outsmart your opponents. Gather your friends, sharpen your deduction skills, and embark on an exciting journey of trust and betrayal in The Resistance.

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