
Survive and Conquer: Betrayal at House on the Hill

“Survive and Conquer: Betrayal at House on the Hill” is a gripping horror-themed board game designed to engage 3 to 6 players in an intense battle for survival. The game is split into two distinct parts: exploration and haunt. During the exploration phase, players navigate through a mysterious house, collecting relics and valuable items. However, the game takes a suspenseful turn when the haunt is triggered, revealing one player as a traitor with their own sinister objectives. In a race against time, the remaining players must strategize and work together to complete their win conditions before their treacherous adversary. With the game’s thrilling premise and captivating gameplay, “Survive and Conquer: Betrayal at House on the Hill” offers an enthralling experience in the realm of board gaming.

Survive and Conquer: Betrayal at House on the Hill

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Survive and Conquer: Betrayal at House on the Hill

“Betrayal at House on the Hill” is a horror-themed board game that provides an immersive and suspenseful experience for 3 to 6 players. With its intricate gameplay mechanics and thrilling scenarios, the game offers a unique blend of exploration, strategy, and betrayal. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the various aspects of the game, including its objective, gameplay mechanics, strategies for both survivors and the traitor, how the game ends, available game variants, and additional content.



The objective of “Betrayal at House on the Hill” is twofold: survival and completing the win condition specific to each player. As players explore the mysterious and eerie house, they must gather information, items, and relics to aid them in their quest for survival. Good communication, teamwork, and resource management are essential to withstand the horrors that await within the house’s dark corridors. The game is won by either the survivors or the traitor, depending on which party completes their specific win condition first.

Number of Players

Designed for a group of friends or family, “Betrayal at House on the Hill” requires a minimum of 3 players to a maximum of 6 players. The game accommodates both smaller and larger groups, ensuring that every player has a role to play in the unfolding narrative.

Game Parts

The game comes with beautifully crafted components to enhance the players’ experience. Each player receives a character card representing their chosen persona, unique abilities, and starting statistics. The house itself is formed by connecting various room tiles, which create a new layout for every playthrough. Event cards and omen cards add unpredictability to the game, with varied consequences that can alter the course of the game. From creepy portraits to ancient relics, the game parts are meticulously designed to immerse players in the haunted atmosphere of the house.

Survive and Conquer: Betrayal at House on the Hill

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During the exploration phase of the game, players navigate the house by moving their character tokens from room to room. Each turn, a player can move a number of spaces equal to their current speed statistic. The layout of the house is revealed gradually, as players place room tiles from the stack and discover new areas. As the tension mounts, players must decide whether to venture deeper into the house or remain closer to their companions.

Room Tiles

Room tiles are the building blocks of the house and determine the layout and contents of each room. They depict various areas such as hallways, crypts, bedrooms, and arcane chambers, each with its unique attributes and encounters. Exploring different room tiles not only reveals new areas of the house but also triggers events and omen cards, adding to the suspense and unpredictability of the game.

Event Cards

Event cards simulate unexpected and often terrifying encounters within the house. These cards present players with narrative-driven scenarios, forcing them to make choices, solve puzzles, or face dangerous adversaries. The outcomes of these events can be beneficial or detrimental, affecting the players’ statistics, items, or even the overall game state. The suspenseful nature of the events keeps players engaged and heightens their immersion in the haunted world of the game.

Omen Cards

Omen cards are a critical element of “Betrayal at House on the Hill” as they play a pivotal role in triggering the second half of the game, known as the haunt. These cards represent supernatural occurrences or eerie artifacts discovered within the house. As players acquire more omen cards, they increase the chance of revealing the traitor and initiating the haunt. With the haunt commencing, tensions rise, and the game takes a thrilling turn.


Triggering the Haunt

The haunt is the core mechanic that sets “Betrayal at House on the Hill” apart from traditional board games. Once enough omen cards have been collected and the haunt is triggered, the game enters a new phase. The haunt begins with the reading of a specific haunt scenario that outlines the traitor’s objective and the survivors’ objective. Each haunt scenario presents a unique narrative and introduces new rules and win conditions. With the revelation of the traitor, the game intensifies as players cooperate or scheme against each other to achieve their respective goals.

Traitor’s Win Condition

As the traitor, the player responsible for triggering the haunt adopts a separate win condition tailored to the specific haunt scenario. These win conditions often revolve around the traitor’s ability to thwart the survivors’ progress, eliminate them, or complete a specific objective. The traitor’s win condition adds depth and complexity to the game as they become a formidable adversary, attempting to outmaneuver the survivors and claim victory for themselves.

Survivor’s Win Condition

The survivor players, on the other hand, must adapt quickly to the new haunt scenario and work together to achieve their win condition before the traitor prevails. Survivor win conditions can range from defeating the traitor, escaping the house through specific means, discovering a hidden truth, or fulfilling a demanding task. Collaboration and resource management become crucial elements in the survivors’ quest to overcome the daunting challenges presented by the haunt scenario.

Survive and Conquer: Betrayal at House on the Hill

Survivor’s Strategies

Stick Together

One of the key strategies for survivors is to stick together and communicate effectively. By staying close to one another, survivors can pool their resources, combine their skills, and provide support during encounters. Coordination and teamwork increase the chances of success, especially when facing the traitor, who may possess unique abilities or be more powerful on their own.

Gather Items

Exploration and careful item management play a vital role in the survivors’ strategy. By searching rooms, survivors have the opportunity to discover useful items such as weapons, tools, or protective gear. These items can improve their statistics, provide special abilities, or assist in overcoming obstacles. Choosing and distributing items wisely among the group strengthens the survivors’ overall capabilities to face the challenges ahead.

Explore Efficiently

As time is of the essence, survivors should aim to explore the house efficiently and swiftly. Focusing on uncovering rooms with event or omen card icons can lead to crucial discoveries, while avoiding unnecessary detours. Prioritizing areas that contribute to the survivors’ win condition or provide essential resources can greatly increase their chances of success.

Traitor’s Strategies

Separate the Survivors

As the traitor, one effective strategy is to separate the survivor players, hindering their ability to support each other. By isolating individuals in different areas of the house, the traitor can weaken the survivors’ collective strength and make it more challenging for them to achieve their objectives. Utilizing rooms with traps, secret passages, or blocking paths can disrupt survivors’ navigation and coordination.

Utilize Haunt-Specific Abilities

Each haunt scenario grants the traitor unique abilities, often tied to the narrative and theme of the scenario. These abilities can range from controlling specific monsters, summoning supernatural forces, or having access to hidden rooms and artifacts. By utilizing these haunt-specific abilities cleverly, the traitor can gain an advantage over the survivors and disrupt their progress towards victory.

Delay Survivor’s Objectives

Delays and distractions can be powerful tools in the hands of the traitor. By interfering with the survivors’ plans, creating obstacles, or triggering additional haunt-related events, the traitor can slow down the survivors’ progress. Preventing the survivors from completing their objectives within a limited timeframe can greatly reduce their chances of success.

Ending the Game

Survivors’ Win

The game concludes when either the survivors or the traitor successfully complete their win condition. If the survivors manage to achieve their objectives, they emerge victorious, having overcome the horrors of the house and escaped its clutches. The survivors’ win represents a triumph of teamwork, resourcefulness, and strategic thinking.

Traitor’s Win

On the other hand, if the traitor succeeds in their win condition, they claim victory as the agent of darkness within the house. This outcome signifies the absolute dominance of evil, as the traitor has outmaneuvered and overcome the survivors through cunning, treachery, or sheer force. The traitor’s win adds to the game’s replayability, enticing players to explore different strategies and adapt their gameplay in subsequent playthroughs.

Game Variants

Additional Haunt Options

To expand the replayability and provide more variety, “Betrayal at House on the Hill” offers additional haunt options. These options allow players to create custom haunts by combining different haunt scenarios, introducing variability and unexpected twists. Players can also adjust the difficulty level by selecting haunts that are more challenging or cater to specific preferences, ensuring a unique and tailored experience with each playthrough.

New Characters

To further augment gameplay, players can introduce new characters into the game through expansion packs or promotional content. These additional characters come with their unique abilities, histories, and motivations, providing fresh options for both survivors and potential traitors. The introduction of new characters adds depth to the narrative and allows players to explore different playstyles and strategies.

Custom Rules

For those seeking even more customization, “Betrayal at House on the Hill” offers the option to create custom rules. Players can devise their own house layout, event cards, omen cards, or even entire haunt scenarios. This freedom to create unique gameplay experiences encourages creativity, collaboration, and experimentation, ensuring endless hours of thrilling gameplay tailored to the players’ preferences.

Expansions and Additional Content

Widow’s Walk Expansion

The “Widow’s Walk” expansion introduces new room tiles, events, omens, and haunts, further expanding the game’s scope and content. With the addition of the Widow’s Walk expansion, players can delve deeper into the mysteries of the house, encountering new horrors and challenges. This expansion breathes fresh life into the game and provides an even greater replay value.

Promotional Content

“Betrayal at House on the Hill” has gained a dedicated following, resulting in various promotional content releases. These include additional room tiles, special character cards, or even exclusive haunt scenarios. Promotional content allows players to access new and unique gameplay experiences, adding to the already abundant choices available in the base game.

Custom Fan-Made Expansions

Community-driven creativity has led to the development of numerous fan-made expansions. These expansions, created by passionate players, introduce new haunts, characters, or mechanics and are available for others to download and incorporate into their gameplay. Custom fan-made expansions add an extra layer of diversity and excitement, showcasing the dedication and ingenuity of the game’s fanbase.


“Betrayal at House on the Hill” stands as a cornerstone of horror-themed board games, captivating players with its engaging mechanics, immersive atmosphere, and intriguing narratives. With its blend of exploration, strategy, and betrayal, the game offers an unforgettable experience for groups of friends or families. As players navigate the treacherous corridors of the haunted house, they must gather resources, communicate effectively, and adapt to unexpected twists to survive and conquer. Delve into the world of “Betrayal at House on the Hill” and embrace the thrilling challenge that awaits within its ominous walls.

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