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Introduction to Roll & Write Games

The article “Introduction to Roll & Write Games” provides a concise overview of this type of board game. Roll & write games involve players rolling dice and using the results to write or draw items on a paper scoresheet. There are two main types of roll & write games: simultaneous action and turn-based action. Simultaneous action games allow all players to use the same dice rolls, promoting equal participation. Turn-based action games involve the active player choosing how to use the dice while others may use the remaining dice. Some roll & write games focus on individual scoresheets with limited player interaction, while others require cooperation and discussion among players. ‘Flip & write’ games use flipped cards instead of dice to determine actions. Roll & write games are known for their portability, minimal waiting time, and reduced arguments, making them a popular choice for board game enthusiasts. Additionally, The Dark Imp offers a variety of roll & write games, such as Mini Town, which is available for free download.

Introduction to Roll  Write Games

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What is a Roll & Write Game?


A roll & write game is a type of board game where players roll dice and use the results to write or draw items on a sheet of paper. The game typically involves two key components: dice and a paper scoresheet. Roll & write games have gained popularity in recent years due to their simplicity and portability.


The main components of a roll & write game include:

  1. Dice: Typically, roll & write games use standard six-sided dice. The outcomes of these dice rolls determine the actions that players can take in the game.

  2. Paper Scoresheet: Each player receives a scoresheet where they record their dice rolls and the corresponding actions they take during the game. The scoresheet may include spaces for writing numbers, drawing shapes, or recording points.

The combination of dice and scoresheet allows for a unique gameplay experience, as players must strategize and make decisions based on the results of their dice rolls.

Types of Roll & Write Games

Roll & write games come in various forms to cater to different player preferences. Here are some common types of roll & write games:

Simultaneous Action Roll & Write Games

In simultaneous action roll & write games, all players use the same dice rolls on their own pages. This allows for easy scalability and equal input from all players. Each player independently decides how to utilize the dice results on their scoresheet. Examples of simultaneous action roll & write games include Qwixx and Yahtzee.

Turn-based Action Roll & Write Games

Turn-based action roll & write games follow a different structure than simultaneous action games. In these games, the active player rolls the dice and chooses how to use them, while other players may use the remaining dice. This adds an element of strategy and decision-making, as players must consider both their own actions and the available options for other players. Roll Through the Ages and Roll Player are examples of turn-based action roll & write games.

Limited Player Interaction Games

Some roll & write games involve limited player interaction, with players focused on their own scoresheets. These games typically emphasize individual strategic decision-making and competition. Players aim to maximize their own scores and achievements without directly interfering with others. Welcome to… and Doodle City are examples of limited player interaction roll & write games.

Cooperative Roll & Write Games

On the other end of the spectrum, there are roll & write games that promote cooperation and teamwork among players. These games often involve shared scoresheets or intricate communication to solve puzzles and overcome challenges. Escape: Roll & Write is an example of a cooperative roll & write game where players work together to escape a sinking island.

Flip & Write Games

‘Flip & write’ games are a variation of roll & write games where cards are flipped instead of using dice. These cards determine the possible actions and what players can write or draw. Flip City and Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale are examples of flip & write games. They offer a unique twist by incorporating card-based mechanics into the roll & write format.

Each type of roll & write game provides a different gameplay experience, allowing players to choose the style that suits their preferences and group dynamics.

Introduction to Roll  Write Games

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Advantages of Roll & Write Games

Roll & write games offer several advantages that contribute to their appeal among players. Some of these advantages include:


One of the major advantages of roll & write games is their portability. These games often come in small packages, making them easy to carry and play on the go. The minimal components required, typically just dice and a scoresheet, make them ideal for travel or playing in various settings. Whether at parties, picnics, or on family outings, roll & write games can be conveniently taken wherever players desire.

Minimal Waiting Time

Another advantage of roll & write games is the minimal waiting time between turns. Since roll & write games often allow simultaneous or quick sequential actions, players don’t have to endure prolonged periods of inactivity during other players’ turns. This keeps the gameplay engaging and prevents boredom or disinterest during the game. As a result, roll & write games are great options for those who prefer shorter, faster-paced games with continuous involvement.

Reduced Arguments and Tension

Roll & write games also have the advantage of reducing arguments and tension that can arise in competitive board games. Since players focus primarily on their own scoresheets and independent decision-making, there is less opportunity for direct confrontation or conflict among players. This can make roll & write games suitable for players who prefer a more relaxed and friendly gaming experience.

These advantages, combined with the diverse types of roll & write games available, contribute to the appeal and growing popularity of this genre among board game enthusiasts.

Roll & Write Games by The Dark Imp

The Dark Imp is a renowned board game publisher that specializes in roll & write games. They offer a variety of games that cater to different preferences and gameplay styles. Here are some highlights of The Dark Imp’s roll & write game collection:

Variety of Games

The Dark Imp offers a diverse selection of roll & write games, ensuring there is something for everyone. From fast-paced dice-rolling challenges to cooperative puzzle-solving experiences, their games cover a wide range of themes and mechanics. With The Dark Imp, players can find roll & write games that suit their preferences, whether they enjoy intense competition or collaborative gameplay.

Free Download

One standout feature of The Dark Imp’s offerings is their commitment to accessibility. They offer free downloadable versions of their roll & write games, allowing players to experience the games at no cost. This not only enables players to try out different games and explore the roll & write genre, but also showcases The Dark Imp’s dedication to sharing the joy of board gaming with a wider audience.

In conclusion, roll & write games provide an engaging and portable gaming experience. With their simple yet strategic mechanics, these games have captured the attention of board game enthusiasts worldwide. The Dark Imp’s roll & write game collection offers a variety of options, ensuring that players can find a game that suits their preferences. Whether seeking competitive challenges, cooperative adventures, or simply a way to pass the time while on the go, roll & write games are a fantastic choice for gamers of all backgrounds and skill levels.


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