
FOG OF LOVE: A Romantic Role-Playing Board Game

“Fog of Love: A Romantic Role-Playing Board Game” is a captivating and immersive game that delves into the intricacies of relationships. The objective of the game is to navigate through scenes with your partner and strive to end the game with a happy relationship. With its attention to detail and complex gameplay mechanics, Fog of Love offers players a unique and thought-provoking experience. Whether it’s through making choices that affect your character’s traits or completing scenes to generate happiness, the game challenges players to explore different dynamics and outcomes in a relationship. With its emphasis on storytelling and character development, Fog of Love is a game that offers a compelling and realistic approach to romance.

FOG OF LOVE: A Romantic Role-Playing Board Game


FOG OF LOVE: A Romantic Role-Playing Board Game

Objective of Fog of Love

The objective of Fog of Love is to play through a scene with your partner and end the game happy in your relationship. Unlike many traditional board games, the focus is not on winning or losing, but rather on the development and dynamics of a romantic relationship. Players must navigate the ups and downs of a fictional couple, making choices and dealing with the consequences as they strive for happiness and fulfillment.

FOG OF LOVE: A Romantic Role-Playing Board Game

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Number of Players

Fog of Love is designed for two players. This allows for an intimate and immersive experience, as players can fully engage with the partner and their relationship throughout the game. The game mechanics and dynamics are specifically tailored to this player count, enabling deep and meaningful interactions between the characters.


To play Fog of Love, you will need the following materials:

  • A rule book: Provides detailed instructions on how to play the game and understand its mechanics.
  • A game board: Serves as the central playing area, where players will move their characters and progress through the game.
  • Two two-sided character cards: Represent the players’ characters and their individual traits, occupations, and features.
  • Two card holders: Used to hold and hide the players’ character traits, adding an element of secrecy and surprise to the game.
  • Two rule summary cards: Provide a quick reference guide to the game’s rules and mechanics.
  • Two boxes for tokens: Used to keep track of various markers and tokens used in the game.
  • Box insert: Provides organization and storage for the game components.
  • Dividers for cards: Helps separate and organize different types of cards used in the game.
  • Four Stories: Include 17 chapter cards and 4 synopsis cards, which provide the overarching narrative and structure for the game.
  • 110 scene cards: Represent the different situations and events that the characters will encounter throughout the game.
  • 60 feature cards: Depict various character features and traits that players can choose for their characters.
  • 38 trait cards: Represent the characters’ individual traits and goals.
  • 36 occupation cards: Provide different occupations and careers for the characters to choose from.
  • 30 tutorial cards: Guide players through the initial setup and teach them the basic mechanics of the game.
  • 14 destiny cards: Divided into pink and blue cards, these cards represent the potential outcomes and destiny of the characters’ relationship.
  • 8 choice markers: Four pink and four blue markers used to keep track of choices and actions made by the characters.
  • 70 personality markers: Used to track the characters’ happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment throughout the game.
  • 10 personality markers marked with a 5: Represent the characters’ maximum potential happiness level.

FOG OF LOVE: A Romantic Role-Playing Board Game

Type of Game

Fog of Love is a romantic role-playing board game that combines elements of storytelling, decision-making, and strategic gameplay. It offers a unique and immersive experience, allowing players to step into the roles of fictional characters and explore the complexities of romantic relationships. The game balances elements of luck and strategy, as players must navigate a series of choices and events to shape the outcome of their characters’ love story.


Fog of Love is recommended for players aged 17 and above. The game explores mature themes and emotions related to romantic relationships, making it more suitable for adult players. The game’s mechanics and narratives are designed to resonate with players who have personal experiences and understanding of the complexities of adult relationships.

Overview of Fog of Love

In Fog of Love, players take on the roles of two characters who are embarking on a romantic journey together. The game is divided into chapters, with each chapter representing a different stage or phase of the relationship. Players will progress through these chapters by playing scenes and making choices that impact the development of their characters’ relationship.

The game revolves around the concept of happiness, with players striving to achieve a satisfying and fulfilling relationship for their characters. Throughout the game, players will face various challenges, conflicts, and dilemmas, each presenting an opportunity to make decisions that shape the storyline and the characters’ emotions.


To set up Fog of Love, players first familiarize themselves with the rules and mechanics of the game. The rule book provides detailed instructions on the setup process, as well as a comprehensive guide to playing the game.

Once players are ready to start, they will set up the game board between both players. Each player will choose a color, either blue or pink, and receive a cardholder and choice markers in their chosen color. The players will then select a story to play through, following any special instructions provided on the synopsis card. Scene, trait, occupation, and feature cards are separated, shuffled, and placed in their respective spots on the board.


The gameplay of Fog of Love revolves around playing scenes and making choices that impact the characters’ emotions, traits, and overall relationship. Each turn, players have four actions they can take, including discarding scenes, playing scenes, drawing scenes, and checking for the end of a chapter.

As players progress through the chapters, they will encounter different scenes, each presenting a unique situation or event. Depending on the choices made during these scenes, the characters’ emotions, traits, and personalities will be affected. Tokens and markers are used to track the characters’ progress, happiness, and the fulfillment of their traits and destiny.

The game encourages players to communicate and collaborate with their partner, as they navigate the challenges and dilemmas presented by the scenes. Players must consider the desires and goals of both characters, while also making choices that align with their own objectives.

End of Game

The game concludes when players reach the finale, representing the end of the characters’ romantic journey. At this point, players will play their destiny cards and determine whether they have achieved a happy and fulfilling relationship. Winning the game is not contingent on staying together, but rather on accomplishing personal goals and finding happiness, whether that means staying together or parting ways.

Fog of Love provides a unique and thought-provoking gaming experience, allowing players to explore the dynamics and complexities of romantic relationships. The game’s immersive storytelling, strategic gameplay, and emphasis on player choice make it a captivating and engaging choice for those seeking a distinctive and emotionally rich board game experience.


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