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Explainer: What is a Social Deduction game?

A social deduction game is a type of board game where players take on hidden roles and try to determine the roles of others. These games often involve using available information and discussion to guess the roles of other players, as well as deceiving others or bluffing to keep their own role hidden. From games that pit an evil team against a good team, like Werewolf, to games where the goal is to be the last person standing, like Coup, social deduction games require careful sharing of information and can be a great option for those who enjoy high player interaction and catching others in a bluff. They can also teach important skills like recognizing inconsistencies in a story and effectively communicating in a larger group.

Explainer: What is a Social Deduction game?

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What is a Social Deduction game?

Definition of social deduction games

Social deduction games are a genre of board games where players take on hidden roles and attempt to identify the roles of other players. These games often involve deception, bluffing, and deduction. Players use the available information and discussion to guess the roles of other players, while also deceiving others to ensure their own role remains hidden.

Examples of social deduction games include Werewolf, where the villagers try to identify and kill the werewolves while the werewolves aim to stay undetected, and Coup, where players must eliminate others by successfully bluffing or assassinating their characters.

Key features of social deduction games

Social deduction games have several key features that set them apart from other genres. These features include:

  • Hidden roles: Each player is assigned a secret role at the beginning of the game, which determines their objectives and abilities.
  • Deception and bluffing: Players must deceive others and bluff their way through the game to achieve their objectives and avoid being caught.
  • Player interaction: These games often require a high level of player interaction, with players engaging in discussions, negotiations, and accusations.
  • Deduction and observation: Players must carefully observe the actions and statements of others to deduce their roles and make informed decisions.
  • Hidden information: Not all information is available to all players, creating a sense of mystery and uncertainty.

Overall, social deduction games provide a unique gameplay experience that combines strategic thinking, social dynamics, and storytelling.

Who might like Social Deduction games?

Appeal to people who enjoy player interaction

Social deduction games are particularly appealing to those who enjoy a high level of player interaction. These games often involve intense discussions, negotiations, and accusations among players as they try to uncover each other’s roles. If you thrive on social interaction and enjoy engaging with others during gameplay, social deduction games are worth exploring.

Appeal to people who enjoy catching others in a bluff

If you have a knack for spotting lies and enjoy the thrill of catching others in a bluff, social deduction games will be right up your alley. These games require players to carefully observe and analyze the actions and statements of others, looking for inconsistencies and signs of deception. Successfully uncovering someone’s bluff can be incredibly satisfying and adds an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay.

Suitable for large group parties

Social deduction games are often designed to accommodate a large number of players, making them perfect for party settings or gatherings with friends and family. These games can provide hours of entertainment and keep everyone involved and engaged. The more players there are, the more complex and unpredictable the gameplay becomes, adding to the excitement and challenge.

Watch out for dominant personalities taking over

One thing to be cautious of when playing social deduction games is the potential for dominant personalities to take over the game. Some players may naturally be more vocal or persuasive, which can sometimes overshadow the contributions of others. It’s important to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate and contribute to the game. Encourage quieter players to speak up and actively involve everyone in the discussions and decision-making process.

Explainer: What is a Social Deduction game?

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What can Social Deduction games teach my kids?

Teaches crafting better lies

While it may not seem like the most desirable skill to cultivate, social deduction games can actually teach kids how to craft better lies. In these games, players must deceive others and bluff their way through the gameplay. This requires creative thinking, storytelling, and the ability to convincingly present false information. While honesty is still an important value to instill in children, learning how to construct and deliver a convincing lie can help them develop their communication and persuasive skills.

Develops alertness to inconsistencies in a story

Social deduction games also help develop children’s alertness to inconsistencies in a story. In order to identify deception and uncover the truth, players must carefully listen to the statements and actions of others and spot any discrepancies or contradictions. This sharpens their critical thinking skills and teaches them to pay attention to details and analyze information effectively.

Improves communication in a larger group

Playing social deduction games in a larger group setting can significantly improve communication skills. These games require active participation, discussion, and negotiation among players. Kids learn how to express their thoughts and opinions, articulate their ideas, and engage in effective communication with others. They also learn how to listen actively, understand different perspectives, and work collaboratively towards a common goal.

Social Deduction games worth trying

If you’re interested in exploring social deduction games, here are a few worth trying:

One Night Ultimate Werewolf

One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a quick and highly interactive social deduction game that can be played in just 10 minutes. The game accommodates 3-10 players and features a wide variety of roles for added replay value. With a companion app to handle announcements, players can fully focus on the game and the intense discussions and deductions that unfold.


Coup is another popular social deduction game that offers fast-paced gameplay and strategic decision-making. The game involves bluffing, deception, and deduction, as players try to eliminate others by calling their bluffs or assassinating their characters. With simple rules and a playing time of 15 minutes, Coup is an excellent choice for both casual and experienced players.

Bang! The Dice Game

Bang! The Dice Game is a social deduction game set in the Wild West, where outlaws, renegades, and the sheriff showdown. While the social deduction element is not as central as in other games, it still plays a role in the gameplay. The game is suitable for players aged 8 and above, and with a playing time of 15 minutes, it provides a quick and enjoyable experience for both kids and adults.

Blood on the Clocktower

For those seeking a more immersive and complex social deduction experience, Blood on the Clocktower is worth exploring. This game involves larger groups of 5-20 players and offers a unique and epic gameplay experience. Players take on different roles, with the good team aiming to find and eliminate the evil team before it’s too late. With intriguing roles and multiple editions to choose from, Blood on the Clocktower offers high replay value and is perfect for those who enjoy deep strategy and storytelling.

Explainer: What is a Social Deduction game?

About the Authors

The authors of this article are passionate board game enthusiasts and parents who have been enjoying board games with their family since their first child was born. They share their unbiased experiences and opinions on board games, providing valuable insights for families looking to incorporate board gaming into their quality time. They also strive to provide helpful guides and articles to enhance the enjoyment and meaningfulness of family game time for others.

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